Hit and Run Claim

Alastair recently managed to obtain £20,000.00 for a client who was involved in a hit-and-run which left his client with crushing injuries to his foot. The Police dropped the case in the first instance as there was no evidence to link the Defendant with the incident....

Your pet and your Will

It’s not a surprise that the number of households which now own a pet has increased dramatically in the last 12 months. Over £2 million families welcomed an animal into their home during lockdown with over one third of adults under 35 now owning at least one pet. Our...

Mud on the Road

As the weather starts to improve and the daylight hours lengthen, we will all be getting back on our bikes and heading out to the countryside for some fresh air and open roads.   One hazard peculiar to cyclists is debris on the road.  On country lanes, this is...