After you have been involved in an accident you should notify your employer immediately as your company may have an established claim procedure. Your employer is legally required to keep an accident book with a record of all work-related injuries, both in case of a legal case and to help avoid future accidents.
To successfully take legal action against your employer you will need evidence to show there was indeed an accident. This evidence could be in the form of witnesses, ambulance attendance, or a completed accident record book.
In many illness cases the need for completing an accident book is not required because it maybe some years after your exposure that your symptoms transpire. It may also be that your employer is no longer trading. We are experts at tracking previous employers and their insurers to ensure your claim can be made.
If you have been involved in an accident or found out that your illness is related to your work, within the last 3 years, please fill in your details on our dedicated “Had an accident at work? – Get in Touch” page and one of our team will contact you to discuss further.